Sunday, March 31, 2013

The GOOD Life

It's one of those Sundays; it's the end to an always-short-but-must-always-be-appreciated weekend spent with the family.  I recently read, "If we are right in our view and happiness is assumed to be acting well, the active life will be the best" -- ARISTOTLE.  That guy was clearly, the man.  Or, the philosopher, anyhow.  With relaxation to boot, Mike, Elle, Winnie(!), and I all had our fair share of activity the past two days, and it feels so nice.  On a physical, and psychological level.  I went to a yoga class yesterday, with an instructor that I particularly enjoy, and she always knows exactly what the group needs when we come in.  Most of the time, her humor helps lead us into the tough positions, and encourages those who might be fighting to keep up, to just laugh at the pose, and be grateful for their current state.  I love her 'funny' method with regards to my state of mind during a good yoga practice, too.  I found that yesterday, since I hadn't been in a few weeks to a class, that I was mentally pressuring myself to be calm, let go, and search within...whatever.  She told some jokes while we're balancing on our toes, or with foot in hand during Dancer's Pose, and it helped knock that inner ego right out of my third eye, and just loosened the whole thing up -- my brain, and subsequently, my flexibility and pose.  Go figure!

Mike went running with Winn on Friday, and we each took her on a jog this morning.  There aren't many things in life that you participate in where undoubtedly you feel good/do not regret doing it afterwards, and exercise is certainly one of them.  I might not always sprint the fastest mile, or lift the heaviest weights, but that heart-rate thing?  The whole endorphins piece?  Yeah, Aristotle was right.  Action is best.  It lightens my whole day, and I wish I had the nerve to wake up at 5/5:30a during the week to have this kind of happiness start my day; but I'll blame Elle for that one :)

The rest of our Easter will entail a little ham-steak on the grill with a soy-mustard-honey glaze, alongside some charred pineapple rings, kale and mushroom sauteed in bacon fat, and mashed sweet potatoes.  Perhaps a glass of wine.  And most definitely, some snuggling with a teething lil' babe, who is putting up her own active-fight on confronting the gum pains very, very well, all things considered.

And, by the way - April tomorrow?!  Well, we welcome you, Spring!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

tick tock

"Time is relative."  That's what I've heard.  And I can certainly understand it more now when I think of my lil' bean, Elle.  She has been sick for almost 1 month now.  The sniffles, the coughing, the acquired germ-filled days of daycare led her quickly to both pink eye, and then a double ear infection.  :(  But the time it's taken on her.  Considering all this has happened within about 1 month, that's nearly 1/6 of her life!!  Whoa - talk about relative.  Mike, being sick for almost the past month is not any less annoying for him, but he can't say it's taken up such a percentage of his overall lifetime.

Time is also, as they say, "flying."  Confirmed internship spot for the next year starting in May, which means 2014 graduation is available and in sight(!).  Now just to gear up for being out of the house 6 vs. 5 full days by then...What's one more day, really?  Hopefully this upcoming year then of clinical work will also soar...

Now to get some rest - with regards to losing that precious allotment of time this morning - I am definitely feeling the ZzzZZZZzz's coming on extra early...